microblading and microneedling

Hello. My name is Tereza and I come from Cape Town, South Africa. I worked as a nurse for many years and in 2017 I finally decided to follow my passion and start microblading. I offer microblading which is a semi permanent tattoo of the eyebrows and microneedling which promotes collagen production and keeps the skin looking young. Looking forward to meeting you.
Get the eyebrows you always wanted and that you deserve!

Microblading is a long lasting (lasts 1-3years) way to achieve the perfect brow shape.
As a semi-permanent brow tattooing procedure, Microblading can fill in the missing hairs in your eyebrows giving the eyebrow the desired shape that cannot be achieved with tinting.
Microblading gives a softer more natural look when compared to permanent eyebrow tattoo. Perfect for alopecia or very sparse brows, or to fill in or darken your natural brows. No more brows products
Microblading contraindications
- diabetes
- pregnancy or breast feeding
- glaucoma
- taking blood thinning medicine
- skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema
- transmittable blood conditions like HIV or Hepatitis
Initial visit 3000*
touch up 1500
*price can vary depending on the extent of work required

Microneedling is the process where tiny needles make miniscule puncture marks in the skin. The body responds by sending collagen and elastin to heal the tiny wounds. This collagen and elastin fills in and smooths out wrinkles, tightens and repairs the skin.
It may be done to other parts of the body, not just the face. Neck and chest are also popular areas to treat.
Microneedling benefits
- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Scar treatment (not raised scars)
- Sun damage (evens skin tone)
- Fights sagging, tightens skin
- Shrinks pores
- Reduces stretch marks
- Allows deeper absorption of skin products
Microneedling aftercare
- Avoid sun for 2 weeks
- Use high protection sun screen
- Avoid vit C and retinol A for 2 days
- Keep skin hydrated with natural products
- No make up for at least 24 hours
- No sweating for 72 hours
- Do not introduce bacteria to the face, use clean towels and sponges
Microneedling contraindications
Any inflammation or infection of the skin including active acne
Chemo or radiotherapy
Face 1800
Face + neck 2200
Face + neck + chest 2500