dry pedicure
Dry Therapeutic Pedicure
See also: Wet Pedicure, Manicure, Facial Home Diamond Microdermabrasion

Our Process
Disinfection, cleaning and removal of old polish, consultation with client, shaping of nails and cuticle removal, removal of hard skin, bunions etc., apply cream for your skin type, light foot massage, base coat, nail polish, top coat.

Beautiful feet and professional care
Working with Gewohl ensures we have the professional training rewquired for medicinal pedicure. Painless removal of corns, bunions, prevention of mycosis, but also caring for nomral and healty feet including paint from O.P.I and Orly.O.P.I - the premier brand in the market for nail cosmetics - for anyone who desires healthy, beautiful nails in our peaceful and professional environment.